Coast FIRE Calculator

Financial Calculator

Your Results

Category Value
Coast FIRE Number ($)
Years Until Retirement
Total Savings at Retirement ($)


Coast FIRE is a financial independence strategy (a.k.a. “Coasting to Retirement”) that allows you to stop saving for retirement once you hit a certain net worth and live off your investments. Because of the power of compounding, if you invest wisely and allow your investments to grow, you can reach your financial goals even without continuous contributions, making life easier for lazy investors the path to early retirement more attainable!

“The sooner you start investing, the longer your money has to grow!” 📈

How to Use

Follow these simple steps to calculate your Coast FIRE number:

  1. Enter Your Current Savings: This is the amount you’ve accumulated so far.
  2. Monthly Contributions: Specify how much you’re planning to contribute each month to your investments.
  3. Expected Annual Return: Provide your anticipated return on investments (e.g., 7%).
  4. Age Details: Fill in your current age and the age you plan to retire.
  5. Hit Calculate! Press the button and marvel at your financial prowess!

Remember, the numbers generated by this tool are estimates. It’s always a great idea to consult with a financial planner for personalized advice. 😊

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